
DayRelease DateKingdomWeaponMana CostSpell
all weapons enlisted here are only assumptions and subjected to change
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsShattered Blade 12Deal [Magic+4] scatter damage, boosted by Divine and Knight Allies. [5x]
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsFire Staff 13Deal [Magic+4] damage to an enemy. Deal double damage if there is a Firestorm. Create a Firestorm.
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsHeart of Xathenos 15Deal [Magic+4] damage to all Enemies. Death Mark Divine Enemies and Disease Knight Enemies.
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsDeathspire 15Deal [Magic+2] damage to all enemies, boosted by all enemy Towers. [8x]
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsSoulreaper 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Blighted Lands Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Red and Purple Gems for each Blighted Lands Ally. [6x]
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsScythe of the Blight 9Remove all Red Gems. Deal [Magic+5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. If the Enemy is from Blighted Lands or if the battle is in Blighted Lands, deal double damage.
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsDoomed Staff 18Create 4 Yellow Gems, +1 Gem per Tempering level. Give [Magic+1] Armor to all Red Allies. If the Enemy has a Doom, eliminate all Armor from a random Enemy.
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsDesdaemona's Bolt 10Deal [Magic+3] damage to an Enemy. If Desdemona is on my team, inflict 2 stacks of Bleed. [100x]
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsDread Cutlass 14Deal [Magic+2] true damage to the first 2 Enemies, boosted by Booty Gems. [3x]
Thu19.09.2024Blighted LandsGatekeeper 14Explode [Magic+1] Red Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Daemon Allies. Then summon a Daemon Troop.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneDark Sword 13Deal [Magic+4] damage to the first enemy. Deal triple damage if they use Yellow Mana.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneBlood-Drinker 14Deal [Magic+4] damage to an enemy, and steal half their Attack.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneDoomed Runestones 18Give [Magic+1] Life to all Allies, +2 per Tempering level. Give 5 Mana to all other Allies, if the Enemy has a Doom, give 4 more Mana. Give 2 Magic to all Allies for each Brown Enemy. [4x]
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneIdol of Darkstone 9Remove all Purple Gems. Deal [Magic+5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. If the Enemy is from Darkstone or if the battle is in Darkstone, deal double damage.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneChalice of Eyes 14Cleanse and give [Magic+1] Life to all Allies. Summon an All-Seeing Eye Troop.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneScreaming Tome 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Darkstone Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Blue and Purple Gems for each Darkstone Ally. [6x]
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneAthame of Shadows 14Deal [Magic+4] damage to an Enemy. If the Enemy's Attack is higher, there's a 20% chance to kill them.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneDoomed Ring 18Give 2 Magic to all Allies, +1 per Tempering level. Give [Magic+2] Armor to Purple Allies. If the Enemy has a Doom, gain 10 Attack.
Thu26.09.2024DarkstoneChampion’s Cleaver 14Explode [Magic+1] Purple Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Darkstone Allies. Then summon a Darkstone Troop.
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkFrost Sword 13Deal [Magic+4] damage to the first enemy. Deal triple damage if they use Red Mana.
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkOcean's Protector 15Eliminate all Armor from an Enemy. Gain Life equal to Armor eliminated. Submerge all Allies.
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkCaptain's Cutlass 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Rogue Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Blue and Red Gems for each Rogue Ally. [6x]
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkFlintlock of Blackhawk 9Remove all Blue Gems. Deal [Magic+5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. If the Enemy is from Blackhawk or if the battle is in Blackhawk, deal double damage.
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkPirate's Signet 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Blackhawk Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Blue and Red Gems for each Blackhawk Ally. [6x]
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkBlackheart's Horn 14Deal [Magic+3] true damage to the last Enemy, with a 6% chance to slay them, boosted by 6% for each Doomskull. [6x]
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkDoomed Kris 18Deal [Magic+4] damage to the last Enemy, boosted by Purple Gems. If they have a Doom, deal double damage. There’s 3% chance per tempering level to kill the Enemy. [1:1]
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkRose's Pistol 10Deal [Magic+1] true damage to an Enemy. If Bonnie Rose is on my team, gain 40 Gold. [100x]
Thu03.10.2024BlackhawkThe Ruby Macaque 22Deal [Magic+2] true damage to all Enemies. Then create 3 Booty Gems, and explode 5 Gems.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsBlade of the Sands 11Deal [Magic+7] damage to the last Enemy. If there is a Duststorm, remove all Green Gems. Create a Duststorm.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsStone Staff 13Deal [Magic+4] damage to an enemy. Deal double damage if there is a Duststorm. Create a Duststorm.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsCrystal Axe 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Monster Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Green and Brown Gems for each Monster Ally. [6x]
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsDoomed Axe 18Deal [Magic+3] damage to all Enemies, +1 per Tempering level. Convert Purple Gems to Doomskulls, if the Enemy has a Doom, create 5 more. Gain 3 Mana for each Yellow Enemy. [3x]
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsStinging Wind 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Drifting Sands Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Yellow and Brown Gems for each Drifting Sands Ally. [6x]
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsHoneydipper 16Deal [Magic+2] damage to an Enemy, and Charm them. There are independent 30% chances to gain an extra turn and half my mana back.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsDagger of the Sands 9Remove all Yellow Gems. Deal [Magic+5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. If the Enemy is from Drifting Sands or if the battle is in Drifting Sands, deal double damage.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsScarab of Nefertani 14Eliminate [Magic+1] from a random skill, then Curse, Death Mark and Disease an Enemy.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsSharpfang 14Explode [Magic+1] Brown Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Monster Allies. Then summon a Monster Troop.
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsThe Timekeeper 14Deal [Magic+3] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Hourglass Gems. [8x]
Thu10.10.2024Drifting SandsEmerald Baton 14Explode [Magic+1] Brown Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Drifting Sands Allies. Then summon a Drifting Sands Troop.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariDark Staff 13Deal [Magic+4] damage to an enemy. Deal double damage if there is a Darkstorm. Create a Darkstorm.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariDarkshot 14Deal [Magic+2] damage to an enemy. Create 5 Purple Gems, boosted by Webbed enemies. [3x]
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariDoomed Potions 18Give [Magic+1] Life to all Allies, +2 per Tempering level. Give 5 Mana to all other Allies, if the Enemy has a Doom, give 4 more Mana. Give 2 Magic to all Allies for each Green Enemy. [4x]
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariDoomed Ram 18Deal [Magic+5] heavy splash damage to an Enemy, +4 per Tempering level. Stun all Purple Enemies, and Cleanse all Purple Allies. Explode 4 Gems, if the Enemy has a Doom, explode 3 more.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariBook of Brambles 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Elf Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Green and Purple Gems for each Elf Ally. [6x]
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariChoker of Zhul'Kari 9Remove all Purple Gems. Deal [Magic+5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. If the Enemy is from Zhul'Kari or if the battle is in Zhul'Kari, deal double damage.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariAranaean Bloom 14Deal [Magic+7] damage to an Enemy boosted by Zhul'Kari Allies. Then create a mix of 6 Green and Purple Gems for each Zhul'Kari Ally. [6x]
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariEldrazi Wand 14Deal [Magic+3] damage to an Enemy. If they are Cursed, create 8 Green Gems. If they are Webbed, create 8 Purple Gems.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariThe Nightfall Blade 14Deal [Magic+3] damage to the last Enemy. If they are Poisoned, inflict 4 Stacks of Bleed.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariBound Darkness 14Deal [Magic+4] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Purple Allies and Elf Allies. [3x]
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariVenomshot 14Deal [Magic+4] damage to an Enemy, boosted by all Webbed and Poisoned Enemies. Then Web and Poison them. [3x]
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariThe Weaver’s Tome 14Create 6 Web Gems, and gain an extra turn.
Thu17.10.2024Zhul'KariWatcher’s Blade 14Explode [Magic+1] Green Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Zhul'Kari Allies. Then summon a Zhul'Kari Troop.