Sorcerer (Daemon)
Gain bonus Purple Mana from Purple Gem matches.
Gain 1 Armor when an enemy casts a spell.
50% chance to gain 1 Magic every turn.
SerendipityGive a random ally a random status effect.
Well-ReadGain 3 Magic if using a Tome.
Golem Protector20% chance to summon an Ancient Golem when I take damage to Life.
TacticianGain 3 Magic at the start of a battle.
MentorAll allies gain 1 Magic.
Tree of KnowledgeGain Enchant when matching Green Gems.
Master BuilderAll constructs gain 10 Life.
GloomAll Purple allies gain 2 Life.
Shadow ScalesAll Naga Allies gain 1 Armor every turn.
Shadows’ Call20% chance to summon a Sister of Shadows when an enemy dies.
Dusk’s AuraCreate a darkstorm at the start of a battle.
StealthyCannot be targeted by spells (unless there are no other targets).
Dark VenomPoison a random Enemy when matching purple Gems.
Rising Shadows7% chance to assassinate the last enemy when another enemy dies.
Daemonic RageAll Daemons gain 1 Attack."
Dark HungerSteal 1 Life from the first enemy when matching Purple Gems."
PlaguebearerDisease a random enemy on 4 or 5 Gem matches."
Spawn of Hell50% chance to summon a Hellspawn when an enemy dies."
Sudden DoomCreate a Doomstorm at the start of battle."
DeliriumGain 2 Magic and Attack when I take damage to Life."
Chaos WaveAll enemies lose 1 point on a random skill when I match Skulls."