Wild Plains
Shaman (Tauros)
Allied Tauros gain 2 Life.
Gain 1 Magic for each Green ally.
All Tauros Allies start with 50% Mana.
Haunted WeaveWeb a random enemy when I summon a troop.
Perfect AimGain 2 Magic if using a Bow.
Root TrapEntangle the first enemy at the start of battle.
Nature’s AuraCreate a leafstorm at the start of a battle.
Wall of VinesAll Green allies gain 5 Armor.
Elven SentriesAll Elves gain 1 Magic and Attack at the start of a battle.
Harvest MoonAll Wargare Allies gain 2 Life every turn.
FerocityGain 4 Attack.
CounterattackGain 2 attack when I take damage.
Axes of DoomGain 3 Magic if using an Axe.
Blood and GloryGain 1 Glory in PvP Battles.
VengeanceGain 3 Attack when an enemy dies.
BloodthirstyBecome enraged on 4 or 5 Gem matches.
Bull GeneralAll Tauros allies gain 1 Attack every turn.
Shining StaffGain 2 Magic if using a Staff."
Leading LightGain 10 Armor if in first position."
Brilliant AuraAll allies gain 2 Life on 4 or 5 Gem matches."
Dawn’s AuraCreate a lightstorm at the start of a battle."
Armor of LightAll troops gain 4 Armor."
LightbringerGain bonus Yellow Mana from Yellow Gem matches."
DivinityAll Divine Allies gain 2 Life every turn."
Leonis Empire
Warpriest (Human)
All allies gain 2 random Skill points.
Reduce damage from Skulls by 40%.
50% chance to Stun a random enemy at the start of my turn.
FerocityGain 4 Attack.
CounterattackGain 2 attack when I take damage.
Axes of DoomGain 3 Magic if using an Axe.
Blood and GloryGain 1 Glory in PvP Battles.
VengeanceGain 3 Attack when an enemy dies.
BloodthirstyBecome enraged on 4 or 5 Gem matches.
Bull GeneralAll Tauros allies gain 1 Attack every turn.
Shining StaffGain 2 Magic if using a Staff.
Leading LightGain 10 Armor if in first position.
Brilliant AuraAll allies gain 2 Life on 4 or 5 Gem matches.
Dawn’s AuraCreate a lightstorm at the start of a battle.
Armor of LightAll troops gain 4 Armor.
LightbringerGain bonus Yellow Mana from Yellow Gem matches.
DivinityAll Divine Allies gain 2 Life every turn.
ExemplarGain 5 Attack in PvP."
ResplendenceGain 2 Magic if using Jewellery."
Royal ArmoryAll ally Knights gain 2 Armor."
Quick StudyGain 10% bonus XP from battle."
CommanderGain 2 to all Skills if in first position."
InspirationAll Allies start with 15% Mana."
Urska MajorAll Urska Allies gain 1 Attack every turn."